campbell turns one

Campbell has been a milestone baby of mine since she was a tiny newborn and this girl has been a star since day one! She was full of smiles at her newborn session and she's still full of those smiles! This sweet girl has seen me every three months for her first year and I've enjoyed watching her grow, watching her personality develop, and getting to know her awesome parents!

There is just one thing just as amazing to me as watching my clients grow ... that one thing is friendships! How awesome is it to meet other people and them allow you into their lives, into their homes, share their stories with you. It always makes me feel overjoyed to say that I have so many clients turned friends! Campbell's parents, Jillian and Cal, are two of the sweetest people and she's so lucky to have these two smothering her in love!

Jillian and Cal wanted to shoot a lifestyle session in their home for Campbell's one year session and I was beyond astatic once I arrived and saw their beautiful home! Happy 1st Birthday Campbell! I hope to get to watch you grow for many more years!